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MP3 <1 min.Our unchangeable God - the Rock of ages (J.P.S.)

juengerschaft.org · God doesn't change. He will fulfill whatever He has promised. The living God speaks to us and wants us to put our trust only in Him! ...

Scripture:Deuteronomy 32:4,39; 2. Chronicles 20; Hebrews 13; Malachi 3:6,10; 2. Samuel 7:27; Exodus 3:14 Deut. 32:4,39; 2. Chr. 20; Heb. 13; Mal. 3:6,10; 2. Sam. 7:27; Ex. 3:14

Keywords:Jesus Christ; Faithfulness; Encouragement; Trust; Prayer

MP3Building of God (L.M. Grant)

audioteaching.org › Sermons

38:34Part 1

... Now, before we think, I want you to turn to 1. Sam. 7. 2. Sam. 7. 2. Sam. 7. Now, in this chapter, we find that King David, having ...

MP3Bible Basics Conference 2011: "Christ the Lord, Christ the Head, Christ the King" (Bible Basics Conference; Simon Attwood; Michael Hardt; Nick Fleet; Hugh Clark; Paul Dronsfield; Graham Warnes; Geoff Hawes; Andrew Poots)

audioteaching.org › Sermons

32:16Part 13

... not receive him. They had him killed. And here's just one quote, from 2. Sam. 7. I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever, and your house ...

37:42Part 12

... shall be to me. I shall be to him for father. Let's read the whole. 2. Sam. 7, verse 13. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish ...

MP3Bible Basics Conference 2008: Dispensations (Bible Basics Conference; Ernest Brown; Hugh Clark; Simon Attwood; Michael Hardt; Graham Warnes; Nick Fleet; Andrew Poots)

audioteaching.org › Sermons

36:13Part 6

... a sure covenant. And it speaks of Solomon, but we know that the scriptures in 2. Sam. 7 are taken up in Hebrews and applied to Christ. So all these ...

MP31 Chronicles (Alfred E Bouter)

audioteaching.org › Sermons

58:36Part 5

... würde. Aber jetzt spricht Gott über mein Haus. Wenn du es mit dem 2. Sam. 7 vergleichst, das gleiche Vers, es ist über Davids Haus, und über Davids ...