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~4 min.Should I stop giving to church workers who seem too rich? (Part 2 of 2) (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · I started my response to your question in Part 1. I attempted to show the Scriptural basis for paying people who devote their work to the Lord’s service, rather ...

Keywords:money; church workers; wealth

~5 min.Dinah, Bathsheba, & Tamar (Part 2): Why do people disagree over Genesis 34? (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · There’s a complicating factor with Dinah and Shechem: not all translations agree on how to describe this event. There is reasonable disagreement on this passage, so ...

Keywords:bible; q&a; genesis; sexual abuse; dinah

~7 min.If we're not under the Law, why does Acts 15 have laws? (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · Answer: The specific references are Acts 15:20 (James’ statement) and v.29 (the written letter), and later in Acts 21:25 we see the instruction was still ...

Keywords:law; acts 15; council of Jerusalem

~4 min.Should I stop giving to church workers who seem too rich? (Part 1 of 2) (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · Question: What lifestyle is appropriate for full-time church workers? I'm thinking about people like pastors, itinerant teachers, and missionaries supported by a ...

Keywords:money; church workers; wealth

~6 min.Does the Bible ever tell me to pray before eating? | Q&A (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · Question: Am I supposed to pray to God before eating? Does that come from the Bible, or is it just tradition? I haven't found a verse that tells us to do it. If it ...

Keywords:prayer; meals; giving thanks; saying grace

~5 min.Dinah, Bathsheba, & Tamar (Part 1): What happened to Dinah? (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · What happened to Dinah with Shechem (Gen. 34), Bathsheba with David (2 Sam. 11), and Tamar with Amnon (2 Sam. 13)? I think two (for sure) describe rape, maybe all ...

Keywords:bible; q&a; genesis; dinah; sexual trauma

~4 min.Civil Disobedience: When And How? | Q&A (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · Originally published August 6, 2020. Question: When is it okay for Christians to intentionally disobey the government, and how should it be done? I sometimes hear ...

Keywords:qanda; christianity; #civil; law

~6 min.My Conscience Is Bothered By Both Choices In A Political Election. What Do I Do? | Q&A (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · Question: Another presidential election is here, and I'm confused. Some of my older relatives and their friends want the current president to win a second term, but ...

Keywords:conscience; electionday; voting; political; choices; election; decisions

~3 min.Is It Okay to "name and shame" Bad Religious Leaders? (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · Is it okay to "name and shame" religious leaders who abuse their position? Specifically, those who are hypocrites and false teachers, things like that? Some people ...

Keywords:bad leaders; false teachers; name and shame

~5 min.Are the Parables of the Kingdom Mostly Positive or Negative? (Aaron Vienot)

patternsoftruth.org · Are the "Parables of the Kingdom" in Mt. 13 supposed to be read positively, or negatively? What I mean is that some preachers and writers talk about growth and how ...

Keywords:kingdom of God; kingdom of heaven; kingdom parables; Matthew 13; Matthew thirteen