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Jeremiah 27 (Synopsis) (J. N. Darby)


Scripture:Jeremiah 27 Jer. 27

MP3Jeremiah 27 (Reynolds, Brian)

bibleteaching.co.uk › Recordings


Jeremiah. Notes on (WK)

Position: Bible Treasury Volume 7 Page 182

Scripture:Jeremiah 27-28 Jer. 27-28

Jeremiah (Discipline in the School of God) (JBS)

cw-archive.org › Magazines

Position:A Voice to the Faithful Volume 11 (1877) Page 12

Scripture:Jeremiah 19-29 Jer. 19-29

PDFYear 1 - 26 June Jeremiah 27 (Lightkeeper)

bibleteaching.co.uk › Lightkeeper · Year 1; Month: June; Day: 26.

PDFYear 1 - 27 July Jeremiah 27 (Lightkeeper)

bibleteaching.co.uk › Lightkeeper · Year 1; Month: June; Day: 27.

Synopsis - Jeremiah (Darby, John Nelson)


~3 min.Chapters 27 and 28

... Gentile head appointed by God in rebellion against God Himself. Jer. 27; 28 go together. Their chief subject is the submission to ...

~6 min.Introduction

... and that according to the mind of the Spirit. {* In Jer. 27 "Jehoiakim" should be "Zedekiah" (see verse 12 and Jer. 28:1)}. The ...

~7 min.The Prophet Jeremiah (Arend Remmers)

biblecentre.org · ... 51:59-64): Babylon's destruction. I. Jer. 1: The Prophet's Call. II. Jer. 2-29: God's Appeal to the People's Conscience. Chapter. 2. ...

MP3Catford Lectures 2007-2008 (Catford Lectures Conference; Paul Dronsfield; Michael Hardt; Andrew Poots; Graham Warnes; Ernest Brown; Nick Fleet; Geoff Hawes; Arend Remmers)

audioteaching.org › Sermons

47:27Part 7

... power. Now let's go to the beginning. Turn with me to Jeremiah. Jer. 27. Jer. 27:5. The Lord is speaking. I have made the earth, the ...

~89 min.Jeremiah The Tender-Hearted Prophet of the Nations (William Kelly)

biblecentre.org · ... die, but it was a mercy to Judah that Jeremiah was not put to death. Jer. 27 opens thus: "In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of ...